2 Hours of Confusion

Date Submitted: 08/30/2004
Author Info: Sara (Plainfield, CT - USA) 
Occupation: Student
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

On the day of September 11th, 2001, i was in my Social Studies class sitting at my desk doing our assignments that were given at the beginning of class. Then my friend Shala walked into the room and said that in her last class they had watched the news and talked about the Twin Towers. (i didn’t remember what the Twin Towers were even though i went there the year before and got pictures of them.) well there was only 2 more hours of school and i was so confused because i didn’t know what happened but as soon as i got home my parents told me everything that had happened and i understood and the 2 hours of confusion was over!!


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