September 11th is my birthday and on this particular day I was at work and I had someone in my cube that I was talking to. I started to hear lots of chatter about the beginning of a very sad day. At some point someone said they had the news reports on the TV down in the cafeteria so I decided to go down. After just a couple of minutes watching I saw the second tower fall into rubble. My heart sank and I knew I had to call mom. Mom had heard some reports but just being able to share the moment with her will be one I’ll never forget. Even today almost 20 years in I tell people my birthday and they don’t know what to say but I see that stutter or look away. You always want your birthday to be special but you’d never think it would be because of such a devastating blow to our nation. I pray for all those that lost their lives that day and mostly for the families of members lost.