A Terribly Wonderful Story

Date Submitted: 09/11/2009
Author Info: Leland (Winnipeg - USA) 
Occupation: Computer Technician/Engineer
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

My wife and I had just given birth to our beautiful baby daughter on the 9th. Since standard procedure states you have to stay in the hospital for a couple of days after childbirth, it was not until the morning of the 11th that we were able to go home. We were exhausted, but ecstatic about our new life as a group of three.

We had barely settled in at home, turning on the TV to catch up, and the first image we saw was the north tower with a gaping hole in it.

This was probably the strangest, most wonderful, most terrible day of my life. I still have difficulty describing my emotions of that day. It made us wonder what kind of a world we had brought our daughter into.


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