It was right after gym class my sophmore year of high school, and i had just changed in the locker room. I was carrying my clothes to my locker when the principal came around the corner and called us all into a group. We thought we had done something wrong or she was picking out all the smokers in there but she said “something terrible had happened, New York is being attacked by terrorists.” I thought we were at war or something so i thought our school was going to be bombed.
I attended Woodstock Academy at the time, which tends to be a prestigous school with alot of 2500 kids in it. So paranoid as all hell i went to history class and my teacher had the television on. I never witnessed the attacks live but they were repeating the attacks over and over. We ended up getting sent home early and all the kids were talking about how it was cool they were getting to go home and i wanted to punch them all in the face for being so selfish. I went home and it was on tv at my house so i watched that for the rest of the day.