Almost slept through it.

Date Submitted: 06/12/2017
Author Info: Edward (WARRENTON, VA, United States) 
Occupation: Computer Technician/Engineer
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

I am a night owl and normally do not get up till 10am or later. I was asleep when the apartment maintenance man knocked on the door to change the filter in the HVAC system. I was still half asleep when I let him in. I made the usual pleasantries asking him “Hows things?” He said “Not bad, they’ve bombed the Twin Towers & the Pentagon” from his tone I took it as a joke in poor taste and gave him a polite laugh and let him out and went to bed. At 10 am a friend called me, waking me up, and told me to turn on the TV, as with so many people that day who were told the same thing and asked the same question I got the same answer as the rest, “It doesn’t matter, any channel” I turned on the TV to witness a replay of the collapse of the South Tower and shortly after collapse of the North Tower. I spent the rest of the day flipping channels watching the coverage.


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