
Date Submitted: 04/20/2002
Author Info: Jessi (Cumberland, RI - USA) 
Occupation: Student
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

It was 9:00 I just made the bell, I walked into the classroom expecting a Johnny Trumain test, so, we gathered up all our needed things to take this miserable test and we went outside seeing that it was a beautiful day like no other! Outside the test was hard we were all grunting and looking for answers ………………….. the last person finally finished so we slowly walked our way back into class. When we arrived in our class there was the sixth grade teacher awaiting for my teachers arival. She whispered something, something horrible we could all tell from our teacher’s heart wrenching look on her face! as soon as the sixth grade teacher left our teacher ran like never before to the TV. She turned on the TV and the first thing we saw was one tall building burning, our teacher was explaining what had happened when THE SECOND PLAIN HIT RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES! It was all like you wanted to just stop a tape and rewind a never go back! Our teacher tried to tell us it was a terrorist attack but, none in the class really knew because we as 13 and 14 students have never been in one personally!

As we all hugged each other in hope that no one was killed or any family members were there, the first building collapsed, all of a sudden you heard a great gasp of air through everyone’s lungs. We all screamed in horror. Soon following our raging principle she didn’t want us to see this in school in fear that we would say something in the bathroom and the little kids would find out and be scared and want to go home. As an effect almost our whole school was dismissed early from worrying parents.


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