As One Angel Dies Another Is Born

Date Submitted: 09/11/2011
Author Info: Tammy (Attica, NY - USA) 
Occupation: Self Employed/Entrepeneur
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

At 8:30 am on September 11, 2001, my son was born 11 days early. As I cried tears of happiness because he was healthy, even being born early. In the background Katie Couric & Matt Lauer were on the Today Show watching everything unfold, and it is all on the birth video of my son. I layed in bed now crying for the people in NYC, DC, and PA. 9/11 will forever be the worst day in our history, however, so many strangers and the senior population would just walk up to me and my son and say things like “one angel dies and another is born”… I know that God wanted him to be born that day-i often wonder if he will have the soul of the strong, self less, men and women that knowingly gave of them selves to save others.

There will never be words to express to all of the families who lost loved ones, but I would like to think that every baby born on that day has a little piece of an angel in them….


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