Can there be a worse phone call?

Date Submitted: 02/18/2002
Author Info: Chris (Algonquin, IL - USA) 
Occupation: Education/Training
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

I am a substitute teacher, so my work is day to day and I wasn’t called on that Tuesday. However, the phone did ring and wake me up a little later. My mother, who works at a public high school, was asking me if I knew what was going on. Since I majored in history, my family expects me to have explainations about almost every event. I didn’t really believe her until I got downstairs and turned on the TV. It didn’t even matter what channel I was watching (I counted that by midday more than 40 of our 52 channels became news). I started watching just as the reports from the Pentagon came in and everything just went downhill from there. I spent the rest of the week glued to the television. That’s my story, for what it is worth.


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