Developmental Psychology

Date Submitted: 04/04/2002
Author Info: Jon (Parma, OH - USA) 
Occupation: Student
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

As a psychology major in school, i’ve read about studies showing that people do not accurately recall events pertaining to where they were or what they were doing when they heard the news of a tragic event. So for myself, and anyone who cares: I was in the Polsky Building at the University Of Akron (Ohio), in room 404 when a woman named Bridgette came in talking to her husband on her cell phone discussing the plane hitting the first tower. Gradually more people came in on cell phones, and when class started at 9:30, our instructor Laura stated it seemed a bit odd to be talking about Developmental Psychology on a day with such events happening, and the class, as a whole, decided to not meet that day. Since I had nothing to do, I hung around the building (Next class was at 12:05). I was there until the University closed at 11:30, and I then went home to watch TV. Driving home that day I realized just how well the AM radio in my 76 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme worked.

I believe that, unlike others, I won’t soon forget even the slightest detail of that day. Its burned into my brain.


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