Emotion of the day

Date Submitted: 09/09/2011
Author Info: Randy (Greensboro, NC - USA) 
Occupation: Sales/Marketing/Advertising
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: Yes

During that time I traveled extensively with my job. I was in a hotel room in Augusta Georgia getting ready for a late morning meeting at my clients office. My wife called to ask me if I was watching the TV, she was in the car listening to the radio and at first thought that the radio station she was listening to was making some sort of sick joke. The second plane hit the WTC just as I turned on the TV. Later as I stood in the hotel lobby watching in disbelief as the events unfolded one of the hotel office staff commented on the amount of business they would lose for the weekend now that the airports were shut down. I was so angry by everything going on that I completely lost my cool and told her just how selfish and cold of a person she was, I later that day called her back and apologized profusely, we both agreed that the emotion of the mornings events had made us act in ways we normally would not. About mid morning I received another call from my wife she had been called to the school with my daughter who at the time was in the fourth grade. She was trying to console her and convince her that I was ok. All my children usually knew was that I would leave home on Monday, usually on a plane, and be home on Thursday night or Friday often with several flights during the week. They were not aware that the trip I had scheduled for this week for Washington DC had been canceled last minute and instead I had driven to Augusta. My daughter would not calm down until my wife got me on the phone and she heard my voice. That is the moment that I decided to make the drive back to Greensboro North Carolina to be with my family. I remember the 4 hour drive and all of the thoughts that went through my head as the miles passed, thoughts of extreme sadness, worry for friends and family, worry for my children’s future and how this would impact their life. I remember praying a lot for those who had died and for those that would forever be impacted by the deaths of loved ones. One of the most vivid memories from that day and the drive is of a Yellow Cab from New York that passed me on the interstate, the passenger in the rear seat wore a Turban and white robe. As much as I hate to admit it my first thought was one of anger, and then my next was again anger, but at myself for the first. I arrived home in time to pick my children up from school. The hugs we gave each other that day said way more than I love you.


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