Fear Got a Little Closer to Home

Date Submitted: 09/11/2018
Author Info: Paige (Oklahoma City - USA) 
Occupation: Professional (Medical, legal, etc.)
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

It was break time for our 5th grade class right before rotation. I had just finished getting a drink at the water fountain when I saw my teacher crying and running down the hallway. At this point I hade no idea what was happening, only that I’ve never seen my teacher in such agony. I made it back to my desk when another teacher came in to tell us what had happened. My teacher’s brother was a pilot. He was supposed to be flying near flight 93. We learned that he didn’t go up that day due to a heart problem. It was relieving to know that our teacher’s brother was not involved, but it was another thing to witness the pain of the country. I remember going home from school that day and watching the recaps on the attacks. I’ll never forget the first time I saw the planes hit. It was more difficult to see the buildings collapse though. The coverage was on every channel. I was young when the Murrah Building was bombed, so I just don’t remember it quite like 9/11. Then came the news of possibly more attacks. The town next to me had a bulls eye on it; very prominent in the oil industry. I remember asking my mom what would happen if they bombed the plant. She said we probably wouldn’t make it.


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