I was working in an office at the time of the attacks. My husband had called me to tell me about the first plane hitting the first tower. While we were on the phone, he was watching it on tv and I could hear the second plane hit over the phone. It was the most terrorizing sound I have ever heard. That day was a huge wound on America.
I called my mother, first thing, to tell her I loved her. My father is deceased, we were very close, so I understand how it feels to lose someone very close to you in a tragedy. I could understand what those poor people were going through at that moment when they heard of their loved one being trapped in those buildings. I cried and prayed and cried some more. As I thought about it for days later, I decided to do something about it. A few months later, because of the drop in the economy, I lost my job, but in a way, that was a good thing… I am in college now, studying to work for the U.S. Government because I want to give back to those who lost so much. This is the beginning of an era.. an era of healing andnew beginnings. We should never let them believe that they have harmed us. We will go on with our lives and show them that we are not afraid. We should how them that America is stronger and America will come back after this tragedy of one year ago today, 9/11.
God bless America and God bless those that lost loved ones on that day and also to the men and women who have had to deal with the cleanups and to those that have fought and are still fighting for our country’s freedom, May you always be blessed.