As the clock turned over to 00:00 on September 11th, I was working on my computer and wished myself a quick happy birthday. Ironically I then looked up a few websites to see what had occured in history on this date. I remember going to sleep shortly thereafter feeling that my birthdate had been relatively boring.
In the morning, I was still in bed but kinda half with it. The phone rang, and within seconds my fiance was shouting into it “what channel”? Well I didn’t even need to know the specifics. I was all over the TV in seconds and channel was irrelevant.
Being very equations oriented I later took the estmated death toll ( 3200 )and divided by the number of days in a year ( 365 ). The result being nine, I couldn’t stop thinking about the likely nine people whom perished on their birthday.
The emotion this tragic event stirs in people will continue for a long time. Whenever I fill out a form now and people see my birthday, the conversation starts right up.
Anyway, I regret feeling this date in history had been uneventful. We all wish it had remained this way!