Heartache reached California

Date Submitted: 07/26/2002
Author Info: Sheila (Vallejo, CA - USA) 
Occupation: Unemployed/Between Jobs
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

I remember that morning, the whole house was still asleeo. We woke up to my mother yelling…”Get up ! Turn on the TV ! Something happened in New York!”
We all ran downstairs, instead of turning on our individual televisions. And regrouped in the Family room. As we turned on the TV, We saw, what looked like a hollywood stunt. Flames were coming out of the first tower, and as we all said…”What the Hell?”, the second plane hit. We thought they were showing what had happened to the first tower, when in fact, we had just seen the 2nd plane hit the building.
We sat in stunned silence, for about an hour, then the first pictures of the people leaping from the buildings started, the tears continued, and as the towers fell, we cried into the night. We didn’t know anyone there, on the planes or on the ground, but it felt like our hearts were being ripped out, for humanity. and for the lost. And to this day, the thought of 9/11/01 still brings me to tears.


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