I was on the bus.

Date Submitted: 01/03/2016
Author Info: Raymond (Kennewick - USA) 
Occupation: Student
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

I was on a school bus on the way to school.

First clue that something funny was going on was the bus driver getting a bunch of jabber from the dispatcher over radio about how the FAA was grounding all flights in america.

My first thought was “what the heck?”

Then I got to school, saw a plate repeatedly hitting what I later learned was the world trade center (hello, bad grades in geography).

I’m sad to say that I *still* didn’t know what was going on.

I’m a little confused about what happened after that…

I eventually found out from one or more of the following:
* News the next days about what was going on
* Badly received spanish TV signals rambling about “ataque en america”


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