I was serving my country out of the US when…..

Date Submitted: 09/17/2002
Author Info: Robert (Lake View, SC - USA) 
Occupation: Government/Military
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

My story is not that big of a deal, I just wanted to share it with others. I was on a deployment in S. America. I was in Lima, Peru. The Captain came over the 1mc and said we have a national emergency. I went to look at the TV when the second plane hit. The whole day was like some sort of bad dream, but it was reality. We were sent out to sea and told that we were to stay there for further info. It was hard being away from home on that day.

Marines and Sailors cried together that day.

God Bless America

There are 3,010 reasons to go to war.
They perished.
They were innocent.
Let’s do what is nessesary to stop this from ever happening again!


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