In Pre-k at a small Catholic school

Date Submitted: 08/28/2011
Author Info: Greg (Lafayette Hill, PA - USA) 
Occupation: Student
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

I was 4 years old. I was in pre-k at Holy Family School in Manayunk, Phila., PA. I only remember vaguely some parts of the day. I remember being in my pre-k classroom. All of a sudden, some parents started coming into the room to pick up their kids. At first it was just a few parents, then it was every parent. I rememeber my mom coming into my room and pulling me out. We then walked up to the second floor where we picked up my brother who was in first grade. I remember a small part of the drive from my school to my house, which was about 5 minutes away. I just remember seeing the streets of Manayunk pass by as we sped toward our house. When we got home, my dad was sitting in the living room watching the news. My mom walked in and my brother and I followed suit. I vaguely remember seeing a builing with smoke coming out of it. Our parents kept telling us to leave the room. We didn’t understand why, but we did. I wish I could remember what happened later that day, but I have no memory of it whatsoever.


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