Innocence Gone

Date Submitted: 07/25/2018
Author Info: Brittany (Crawfordsville, In - USA) 
Occupation: Sales/Marketing/Advertising
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

I had just turned 18. This was my first experience as an adult. Before that day, I don’t remember my life. I don’t remember where I was the night before. I only remember that morning. I was in college and living with Grandma. She woke me up as soon as the news broke, and we watched in absolute silence. My grandpa had fought in WWII and he was a part of the Normandy invasion. June 6th was his 23rd birthday. And he instilled pride and patriotism in his family until the day he died. Watching my grandma watch the news, and seeing the calm and stoic behavior from her, you never would’ve known that 9/11/01 was the seventh anniversary of my grandfather passing away. That day holds a dark place in my heart.


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