It Was Bad

Date Submitted: 09/12/2006
Author Info: i love my daddy (Charllote, NC - USA) 
Occupation: Student
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

we have to do a report on this well i was only 6 when it happend. odly i was sick that day and so was my daddy. my mommy was supose to have a meeting in tower 1 i believe but she didn’t work there she was scheduled to meet there but somthing went horribly wrong as she said she snapped on the phone because she couldnt get to the centers so i was like mom take the subway and she said ok maybe instead of getting a taxi well i think thats what saved her life she was running late and her meeting was on a high floor like 85 and she deffinately would have been up there because my mom is all rushy and likes to be ontime so my dear daddy called her into the kitchen the sink disposal was messed up and she took a look at it and they were arguing over that. well i was sitting on the couch i was so mad at them for yelling when we are sick so i was watching cartoons and i just got the feeling to change the chanel so i did it was of two tall towers hey ive been there shopping but whats going on? i didnt quite understand what i was seeing a black hole with smoke in a tower okkkkk i guess a somthings wrong why is smoke comming out. my parents were still arguing about the stupid disposal when i screamed because i saw an airplane i was like umm and when i said tht it like hit the building and this huge fireball exploited into thin air. i was glued to the tv not even looking at my mommy or daddy they just came up and had the same look mommy told me go in my room i said whats going on did you see what just happend she said go to your room i went to my brothers room and turned on his tv i kept watching just trying to understand i kept hearing them say oh no this doesn’t look good. i was like duh
! but what stuck with me the mose is seeing people jump…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………to want to jump……………………………………….instead of burning……………………………………………………………they choices where pretty slim……………………………………..but that still bugs me………………………………thank your time was appreciated i would write more maybe later of what went on that day…….


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