Junior year and was unbelievable

Date Submitted: 05/25/2017
Author Info: Liz (BRIDGEVILLE, DE - USA) 
Occupation: Other
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

I was in French class when it all started, a day like any other day. I was a junior in high school went and continued to physics as normal. Everyone was asking to watch TV, but I thought why “It’s class time, we have to learn.” By the time I got to band class it was after 9 am EST. I looked at the TV a second and thought a movie was playing. Went to my normal seat and started to watch. I remebr asking the person next to me what movie we were watching. He said it was the news. I didn’t believe it. The second tower was just hit and it was all a dream it seemed. I had family that worked there, but after a week I learned no one in my family was hurt. It was the most stressful week I can remember. We were released from school a few minutes later. I will never forget that day.


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