Lost and Useless

Date Submitted: 12/02/2003
Author Info: Bonnie (Middle River, MD - USA) 
Occupation: Administrative
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

I remember the day very clearly. At the time I was an ASL Interpreter in Northern Virginia. We had just gotten to the library, and I was with one of my deaf students. The principal came on the announcement system (which never happens in the middle of the day). Immediately I knew something was not right and so did my student when she saw the look of horror on my face. We were close to the Pentagon, and many of the students and teachers had family that worked there. I had to interpret this information, and for the first time I really didn’t know how. Students and teachers were running everywhere, screaming, crying, some hysterical. I felt so lost and alone. The library suddenly seemed so big and empty. I stayed with my student for the day and consoled her. I then went home after work, and stayed with boyfriend, just watching the towers, over and over and over on television. It was like a movie. I guess we always thought we were invincible here. Those kinds of things happened in “other” places. I think we all learned valuable lesson that day. Hug and kiss your children and family every chance you get and tell them how much you love them. You never know when it may be your last time.


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