Morning after a great Birthday

Date Submitted: 01/14/2002
Author Info: Aaron (New York, NY - USA) 
Occupation: Sales/Marketing/Advertising
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

The eve of 911, who would of known. We, as people, in the United States live are lives without worries and concerns. Our concerns are what to do today, what projects to finish at work, and where to eat tonight.

Well September 10th was my birthday. I had upper management in from New York to kick of a worldwide promotion in my business. This promotion was to start in Dallas, move to Paris then to Tokyo, WOW, how a day can change things. We had went to dinner on the eve of the 11th then discussed the meetings for the following morning and proceeded to enjoy a dinner in Dallas at one of the best restaurants you will find. During dinner we discussed many things, now of less importance! If only America could have known what was being planned for us? If we would have known, just as the passengers on the third plane did, America would have taken action.

The following morning, as I prepared for my meetings, my wife and I were having discussions of, again, what to do today, and what today may bring. As I tied my tie and finished the last loop before tightening around my neck, the television beckoned my attention, “the world trade center is on fire” responded Matt Lauer. I moved to the front of the t.v. and gave my wife the news as I turned up the volume to listen for details, that is when I saw the second tower explode. I didn’t see the plane coming in from the left on the first view, but when it replayed and was put in slow motion I could hardly believe my eyes. Not wanting to believe the obvious, I looked for futher answers, they came, but not what I wanted to hear.

Throughout the day, even in Dallas, I felt as though I was in a war zone. My cellular phone is based in New York with a New York number, all service had been disrupted in NY. My associates in from New York were cut off from the world. One associate was on a flight from New York to Dallas, the news broadcasted that a plane was missing from NY and its destination was Dallas, many feelings run through your mind in a time like this. I drove to my meeting to meet my associates to see “what do we do from here?” The next ten hours were chilling. Question after question went unanswered. I really felt for the people close to New York, I work with and talk to them daily. Sitting with one in offices in Dallas, were he had no communication, was a trying time. He himself was from Connecticut and worked in Manhattan, he knew lots of people and many in the towers. After two hours this person took his rental car and proceeded to drive back to New York City.

Many lives have changed, all of time will not be the same. My birthday will continue every year with the following morning bringing constant memories of what happened on 911 in the 2001.


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