My 9/11 story

Date Submitted: 09/11/2013
Author Info: Laura (Nibley - USA) 
Occupation: Other
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

We were living in Herriman,Utah , and I was at home when it happened. My husband called me and told me about it, he told me to turn on the TV . At the time I had 3 kids. My two youngest kids were not at old enough to go to school yet, so they were home with me watching it on the TV .When I heard about it I was very shocked, and scared. The whole day I was watching the TV(not normal),calling people, and listening to the radio. It did not really change my day because I needed to take care of my family. I think it was good that it happened because people started to care about others.


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