My Story of 9/11

Date Submitted: 09/11/2014
Author Info: Quinn (Nibley, Ut, USA) 
Occupation: Engineering
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

I was living in Logan at the time. I was having breakfast with my wife and kids when the morning news announced that the Twin Towers were hit. I was in disbelief of the event that had transpired just barely. I was stunned that someone would actually crash into the Twin Towers. I contacted my mother right after I heard about it. I spent the day at work but I was very distracted by the attack on the World Trade Center. My life didn’t change a lot, but it did change a little. My view of Muslims didn’t change because they were just crazy people doing crazy things, that happened to be Muslims. Some. Good that came out of the tragedies of 9/11 was the country was unified for a brief period of time.


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