It is hard to believe, but I can still remember every moment that day. My husband who is in the Air Force forgot something at the house, when he came in he immediately went to the TV and turned it on, I was upstairs and I heard him say “Oh, My God, Its True”. I ran downstairs and saw the first tower of the world trade center on fire, then while he went looking for his ID, the other plane struck. I was in tears. My husband reported back to work, and all my kids were in school, so when the busses started arriving at home, and my yougest arrived home from daycare, we all sat and cried. As I look back today, the one thing I am proud of most of all is being an American and Serving in the United States Military. I have given 13 years of my life to the Air Force and I intend on giving at least 10 more. My thought are with all the families of all who perished that day at the WTC, Pentagon, and PA. We think of you each and every day.