Never thought

Date Submitted: 07/13/2017
Author Info: Stevetex (Dallas, TX, USA) 
Occupation: Other
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

On 9/11/2001 I was 12 years old in the 7th grade. While I was in school all the teachers lesson plans were put on hold and they were talking to us about what had happened. I was so confused because I had no idea about what happened but from what I heard I was scared. When I got home layer that afternoon I then got to see what all of what happened. I never thought what I saw through my eyes would ever happen. How? Why?and who would do such a horrific act? I tell you when I saw what happened earlier that day with planes crashing into the world trade center and people falling it of the towers from being blinded by smoke or some jumping because of the intensity of the heat from the flames praying to survive it left me in gut wrenching agony asking questions if we were gonna be okay? Seeing all those people on the streets watching in complete shock and horror then running from the debris of the fallen towers was too much I could take. Afterwards it was hard to continue on without thinking of your safety. My continued thoughts and prayers are with those families who lost family members and friends that day 16 years later. We will never forget!!


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