Nothing else matters.

Date Submitted: 09/11/2002
Author Info: Brian (Bozeman, MT - USA) 
Occupation: Other
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

I am a US Forest Service Smokejumper, and was a Paid City Fireman for 5 1/2 years preivous to that. On 9/10, I had gotten off a fire in the Idaho wilderness, and had a disagreement with my wife. We werent on speaking terms. That night I spent too much time with friends at a local pub, and went home later than usual. The next morning I took our 3 year old son to daycare before heading to the Smokejumper base, but the daycare provider had the TV on, and was crying. I absorbed the brief information and rushed back home to watch the TV. I then called my wife, and said, “I know I was wrong last night, but today is not a time to be fighting. I love you, and I’m sorry.” She came home to watch TV and we kissed and made up while watching the terror unfold, not believing our eyes.


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