On That Tuesday,Sept. 11th 2001

Date Submitted: 09/11/2006
Author Info: Jazzy (Norfolk, Va - USA) 
Occupation: Education/Training
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

I will never forget that tuesday morning. My heart goes out to those who perrished and to those who have lost some1. I was a freshman in college. I had just left my 1st period class when some1 came out behind me and told me “they are evacuating the buildings!! get off campus!! some1s about to blow up N.S.U.!!” which was my school at the time.. i was bewildered to the point that my hands were shaking and immediately phoned my sister and she picked me up. i sobbed uncontrollably when i turned on the tv to see the actual events of that day. It has changed me forever. I now tell my family members that i love them every chance i get, and i never take life for granted


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