Scared in Alaska

Date Submitted: 05/22/2010
Author Info: Thomas (Anchorage - USA) 
Occupation: Self Employed/Entrepeneur
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

I was 26 at the time of 911. We are 4 hours behind the east coast, so by the time I got up that morning, it was already close to noon in NY. I had to take everything in at once and it was hard to believe or even comprehend what was going on. Once they grounded all the air traffic we had a real scare. There was a Korean Air jet heading for Anchorage but no one was answering on the radio from the plane, so they sent a squad of F15’s out to intercept it. After several tries of contacting the plane, the pilots finally answered back. Seems they had accidentally shut off there radio. The F15 pilots were ready to shoot it down and were waiting for the green light, and came with in a few seconds of actually firing until they got word that they had finally gotten through to the plane. Everyone in down town Anchorage were evacuated and were just standing in the streets. It was very surreal and scary. I just remember wanting to get home from work and watch the coverage on TV, like everyone. I was glued to it for a couple of weeks. My wife and I had just had our second child less than a week before, and that event made us really uneasy about the future…


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