Scary Moments

Date Submitted: 08/28/2002
Author Info: Jamie (Fort Drum - USA) 
Occupation: Government/Military
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

I was in basic training at the time of the attack. The Drill Sergeants came up to us and said the the World Trade Center was hit by a plane. We were not told much more after that. We were taking first aid classes that morning. We came back to the company area and they made us block off all the enterences to the company area, and in an hurry. The company Commander had a briefing for us. We had to stand in a group formation and wait for him to come out. The look in the other soldiers eyes that day was complete fear. They didn’t have an idea what was going to take place. Were we going to get pushed through basic training to go to war. The soldiers stood tall and knew what they had now signed up for was to protect the country. Here we are a year later and now I am going to be fitting the war. It makes me think of the loved ones that were lost and injuried. My heart goes out to all.


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