Something good…

Date Submitted: 09/11/2009
Author Info: Neckole (Rancho Cucamonga, CA - USA) 
Occupation: Other
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

The morning started early. Had a busy day at Growing Generations. My MIL called and told us to turn on the TV. It was one of those moments that you fall to the floor dumbfounded at what I was seeing. The shock of it all, the pain and heartache.

We were on our way to meet the parents of the unborn child I was going to carry for them. The feeling was of deep sadness in the office, but the moment I met them, I knew I would carry a child for them.

The joy of giving a family the child they could not have was an amazing feeling. One that none of us could ever forget. It is our anniversary as well. And the boys (yes, twins) will be 7 this year.

God bless


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