Still Unbelievable

Date Submitted: 06/13/2002
Author Info: Elizabeth (Springfield, MA - USA) 
Occupation: Customer Service/Support
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: Yes

It was a typical day for me. I had just finish coming from my morning Spanish class at the local college where I work and attend school. I had just pass through the lobby doors of one of the buildings on campus where there was a small student lounge equipped with a television set to entertain students between classes. Typically this lounge is empty as students prepare to go to their next class, this time it was full. I noticed students were watching the television and thought that was odd as the lounge was usually empty at that hour. I figured something must be happening and I guess I could ask someone when I got to my office.

Even before I go to my door, my co-worker informed me tearfully with unbelief in her voice that a plane had just hit the twin towers. Of course, I could not believe it but I went quickly went to our break room where we had a television and low and behold it was true. My first thoughts were to my family in NY and to the people in the building. I started to pray right then and there that God would be with the people and the rescue workers and right before my eyes the second plane hits. I run to tell my co-worker and we both watched in disbelief.

I could tell no one was going to get any work done. I tried calling my aunt in NY but, of course, could not get through. I called my sister in FL, who was suppose to be celebrating her 4th wedding anniversary that day. We both had been wondering what we would be doing for our birthday the next day (September 12th). Those plans flew from our minds and were replaced with concerns for family and friends in NY. I had to tear myself away from the television but kept the radio on in my office. Once I heard about the collapse I ran to my co-worker to tell her what just happened and we both ran to see for ourselves. We heard about the Pentagon and Philadelphia.

We were all in shock. Shortly we heard the school would be closing, fear had spread of more attacks. My main concern now was my daughter, who was at the campus day care center. Just trying to get to her seemed like a nightmare, with students rushing to get out of the campus, traffic was incredible. All around you saw students who were in a daze and people frantic to get out. It took me about 30 minutes to get off the campus, something that usually took 5 minutes. Getting home was something else, even though I lived 3 blocks away it took more time than usual. I got home and held my child and watched the news. I continually prayed for the victims and their families and prayed that my husband would get home soon. It was a day that no one will ever forget, a day of tears.

I still don’t know if any old friends have perished. I pray that they are well.


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