The Day I’ll Never Forget

Date Submitted: 09/10/2002
Author Info: Jamie (Elmore, OH - USA) 
Occupation: Student
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

I was in my childhood class at the moment the first and second plans crashed into the towers, and the other planes crashed into the Pentagon and PA. It wasnt until my math class 45 minutes later that I first heard that “some planes crashed into the twin towers,” but no one really knew details. I was like, “what?” “What is going on?” I left for work at the daycare and ever station that I turned to was about the attacks. My heart raced and I wanted to know details. The day before, my friend Dana and I had been talking about the end of the world, and she said that there hasnt been a holy war so she didnt see it coming anytime soon. I got to work and we just looked at each other in shock. Our infants must have sensed that something was wrong because they all cried all day long. Needless to say, all of our government building parents came as soon as possible to get their kids, just to hug them was enough for them. Things just would never be the same after that day, and it was definately the day I’ll never forget.


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