The Job Will Stay in My Heart- I Will Never Forget

Date Submitted: 09/10/2011
Author Info: Gwendolyn (Atlanta, GA - USA) 
Occupation: Technical Services
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: Yes

I have often wondered what if I was in one of the twin towers on September 11, 2001. It hurts to think about this day, and know that many families miss their love ones.

I was an employee at Marsh & McLennan Companies, working in the Atlanta Buckhead Office as a Corporate Trainer. On this date, we lost two 295 colleagues and 63 consultants. I did not get an opportunity to visit our corporate offices but I had communicated with several colleagues in our technical training department.

The day before 9/11, I was on a teleconference call with several colleagues; preparing for a video training session. We were to continue our session on 9/11. But our planned session never happen! Those two colleagues, died on this day and I will never forget.

We watched on a small TV – the actual tragedy unfolding and there was nothing I could do. I started to cry and others in my office were saying our corporate office building was on fire. No one knew at the time it was due to a direct hit by a jet. As I watch the TV – I was numb – no feelings in my body but thoughts of my colleagues and my love ones began to enter my heart. I started crying more and informed my office that I needed to leave, because I needed to have my 4 year old son near.

As I rode in my car to the daycare, I prayed and cried and this was my prayer:
My God in heaven, please don’t let this happen again, help those that are hurting and heal the hearts of all those family members hurting. Save our country and bring peace in this time of sorrow. Amen.


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