I remember sitting in my Adv. Earth & Space Science class on 9/11, when the phyics teahcer came in, turned on the TV, said “You’ve got to watch this.” and walked back out. My friends and I sat there and watched as the second tower was hit by a plane. I was thinking “Oh, this can’t be happening, stuff like this doesn’t happen in the U.S.” When I realized that it was actually happening, I guess I entered a state of shock.
I remember feeling very detached, and I got very cold and began to shake. Then, the principal came down and made us turn the TV off. I was furious. When class let out, my friend Bre and I went to go find the principal and ask him why we weren’t allowed to watch the newscasts. I found the vice-principal, and I ripped into her, explaining that by not allowing us to actually see what was happening, kids were starting to panic and rumors were flying. She was adamant, though. The county 911 center had said to shut off the TVs, so they did. Bre and I knew that the TV in the bandroom would be on, so we went down there to watch it and to try to get in touch with our families.
I have a relative that works for the government in D.C., and there was a chance that her building would be under threat, and Bre’s grandparents and a lot of her relatives lived in Somerset county. Since we didn’t know exactly where Flight 93 had gone down, she was worried that something had happened to them. I called my mom, and I asked her about my aunt, and she just started to cry. This scared me, because my mom NEVER cries. She said she had been in touch with my grandparents, but they hadn’t heard from her. She also told me that “all you can do is pray”. I found this ironic since my mom isn’t very religious, and I’m not at all. To hear her say something like that made me realize how this was affecting everyone, and that life as we knew it was over. Bre then proceeded to call her mom, and she got the same news: her mom hadn’t heard from any of her family, and was trying to get in touch with them. Soon after she got off the phone, another one of our friends walked in the bandroom. He had just received word that his cousin had been killed in the Pentagon.
To hear that someone I knew had lost someone in D.C. seemed to make it all the more possible that I wouldn’t see my aunt again. Bre and I spent most of the day just sitting there, watching TV, and hugging each other. I had to go to work that night (I’m a waitress), and it was the longest shift of my life. Business was very slow, but the customers I had were very nice, and I talked to all of them, bonding with them.
It’s now one year later, and the attacks still affect me. About a month ago, a small plane crashed about a mile from my house, and the first thing I thought was that it was terrorists. When I woke up today, the girls in the dorm room next to mine began to play “Only Time” by Enya, at 8:46 a.m. Walking to class, I saw many people wearing red, white and blue. This is turning into a very poigant day, but it makes me proud to see so many people supporting their country.
I know I’m starting to ramble on, so I’m going to end now. I just want to say that this has been very theraputic, writing and sharing my story. I LOVE THE USA!!!