Wanted to cry.

Date Submitted: 09/21/2016
Author Info: Glynis (Pembroke Dock, United Kingdom) 
Occupation: Other
Lived in NY on 9.11.01?: No
Knew someone who perished?: No

I had just sat down to have my lunch and watch the news on Sky tv as it showed the first plane going into the tower, I immediately phoned my mother in law and told her to put the news on. I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing as because of the time difference I was watching the second plane going in live. I watched it and watched my mother in law and I connected to one another by the phone.

I kept saying to her those below the fire should be able to get out but when the first tower started to fall I was shocked, how could it fall so soon after the crash and then when the second tower went down it was like a nightmare….those poor people.

I wish I had seen it on a replay and been aware of what happened instead of seeing it like but my distress was nothing compared to the families who had lost someone.


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