It started off like a normal day.. got up and went to work.
Then the phone rang with some frightening news…my mom called and asked if we had the news on…( you see.. I live in a small town..where little news is big I just figured that there was a bad fire or wreck)…and since we’re s’pose to listen to piped in music.. i said” no.. we dont have the news on.”
She then said ” planes just crashed into the Twin Towers!”
I’m went ” Oh my God!!”… I told her thanks for calling and letting me know.. we told each other that we loved one another and hung up.
I then went and told the two other people who were at work at that time..and they freaked out.
I went next door to the motel to watch T.V. and see it for myself.. I caught one of the towers falling.. if it was ‘live’ or a re*play… I dont know.
I then spent the rest of the day listening to the days events unfold with my co*workers.
It is a day that none of us will ever forget.
God bless those who were lost , and those who lost loved ones on 9/11.
God bless America.